Project for Artisan Strengthening in Barú

The pandemic caused by the presence of COVID-19 in 2020 raised many questions and uncertainties. However, in the Barú Peninsula, just 40 minutes from the city of Cartagena, this situation led to seeing opportunities and activating creativity.

Joint with Asociación Somos Barúwe began to seek new income opportunities for the artisans of the district of Barú, who were heavily affected by the closure of beaches in the area, where they typically sold their products to visitors and tourists. This is how the project 'Las Historias de Barú: Weaving and Carving Crafts for Tomorrow' was born..."

En noviembre tuvimos la posibilidad de hacer nuestra primera visita al pueblo de Barú. Nos emocionó mucho ver la cantidad y variedad de oficios artesanales que se encuentran aún vigentes en la zona. Así que nos pusimos manos a la obra! En nuestras siguientes visitas iniciamos diferentes talleres con el fin de encontrar esa voz propia que los baruleros quieren impregnar en sus artesanías.

This year, we are starting the second phase of the project... We are excited to work hand in hand with the women artisans, matamba weavers, necklace makers, and woodcarvers who warmly welcomed us into this beautiful corner of our country!

Grupe de artesanos de Barú

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